вторник, 1 декабря 2009 г.

The incident!

The incident happened with me in the mall,in zara.It was a usual day.It was a beautiful day. I went to the woman dress shop. I choosed myself a jacket. I waited to pay, but suddenly a man stole my purse.He took it not very visible for others.I didnt knew how to react.Because if I would shout he would just ran away!So i just stand.But I didn`t knew that the security guard saw everything in a closed circuit TV .They had a proof that this man stoled my purse. And then the stealer decided to run away  but the security guard arrested him and they all 3 left the shop. I wasnt very suprised because that there are many thiefs in the world.But i will try in the next time be more attentive and carefull.

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